1. 1 Music on Planet Earth is Dead
  2. 2 I am Garzuvius
  3. 3 A Glitch in Time
  4. 4 The Hoarder of Moments
  5. 5 Magical Cuts
  6. 6 Don't Grumble Under Pressure
  7. 7 The Bigger the Bass Line, the Bigger the Waist Line
  8. 8 Thousands of Years of Progress
  9. 9 Supertesticles
  10. 10 The Nobelisk
  11. 11 Watch Your Step
  12. 12 I Eats Dogs, Why Not People?
  13. 13 A Passing Moment
  14. 14 The Dewormer
  15. 15 Hey Ho! Galactic Blob
  16. 16 Galactic Bloop
  17. 17 The Sad Truth
  18. 18 Garzuvius Fights Super Gravity
  19. 19 The Magical Sound Shower
  20. 20 Did You Wobble?