Oh God They’re Back Posted 31st January 2018 by gareth
Dear folks,
We needed a break. Well I did especially. After a remarkable run of brain crushing events, I needed some time to regain my composure. We did start making an album but I had to put it to one side for a while. And then it felt weird touring without having new releases. But the GOOD NEWS, or the BAD NEWS depending on your disposition, is we are back!
This June we will be playing three gigs in Birmingham, Manchester and London. Please check the gig section for more information and ticket links. If you can attend one, and you have the disposable income, it’s really helpful if you buy advance tickets! Otherwise I get harrowing phone calls from our booking agent somberly reading out our advance sales from a tear stained spreadsheet. It’s your fault that spreadsheet is tear stained. You decided to pay on the door. So cruel, so cruel.
We’ll be releasing a best of/introduction on vinyl later this year, as well as a new single and album. I also wrote about 100 new instrumental tracks last year for an incredible computer game called Pool Panic and these should hopefully come out in some form too. And maybe we’ll even finally sort out selling Misty’s Big Adventure tea towels! I am like a crap Elon Musk.
We will of course be venturing to other places later in the year. So please don’t think we’re ignoring you. We’re very excited to get touring again! Even Erotic Volvo and his bad back.
As ever, thanks for your time and patience.
Grandmaster Gareth